Easter Sunday

Easter is the holiday of hope. Spring has begun, pulling you out of the dreariness that comes with the end of winter. Flowers began to bloom and the world becomes green once again. Best of all, we celebrate the life, death and resurrection of our Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ. The greatest thing I will ever learn in this life is something I have come to know fiercely, and hope to continue to learn through out my life. Jesus Christ died so I can live again. He has experienced every trial, tear, and broken heart right along side of me. He has celebrated in my triumphs and has wept when I have strayed. Becoming a mother has opened my eyes to the love my Father in Heaven has for all His children and has given me a tiny glimpse into His anguish as he watched is only begotten son take upon all of our sins and be crucified.

Take the time to watch these three videos today! They are so beautiful!

He is Risen

Because of Him

Handel’s Messiah (Mormon Tabernacle Choir)

I loved celebrating Blair’s first Easter with her! I know she wont remember her first Easter basket but I will always cherish this time with my little family. Blair’s Easter activities included:


Playing with her friend Lucy at church


Getting her Easter Basket and playing with the Easter grass


Playing with (near) her new bunny


Super thrilled about dying eggs


We dyed Easter Eggs (and mommy made B pose with them)


and of course napping!

and of course napping!


Family Photos

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The photographer nicely called Garren short


These two melt my heart


She has a new fascination with her tongue


Towards the end she got tired, big yawn ;)


I love this little girl so much!


Blair Monroe- 2 Months Old

Height:Ā 22.25 inches 50%
Weight:Ā 10 lbs 4.6 0z 32%
Head Circumference:Ā 14.75 14%
Dr. Appointment:Ā I was seriously dreading this doctor appointment because baby girl was getting her first vaccinations. I grew up in a non vacc family so I did a LOT of research on vaccinations before going through with it. While vaccinations do have a lot crap in them, the benefits out weigh the risks for me. Hearing her get them was the single saddest thing I have ever heard. I made Garren hold her down and then I picked her up to comfort here right after. She was basically hyperventilating when I picked her up. She calmed down after about 4-5 minutes, nursed when we got home and then went to sleep. She is awake now and happy as can be so we survived shots! We are watching her temperature to make sure she doesn’t get a high fever. The doctor looked at her swollen lymphnodes that I thought were huge and laughed at me and said they were tiny and normal. I am not looking forward to the next shot visit.

Waiting to get shots :(

Nicknames: Bubbles, Honey Bunch, Baby Girl, B, Cuddles, Cuddle Bug, Princess, Little Turkey, Fuzzy Head, Munchkin, Pumpkin
Clothing:Ā At six weeks old she grew completely out of newborn clothing and has been wearing 0-3 ever since. They are still pretty baggy on her but are starting to look better! One of my favorite parts of the day is getting her dressed. She is so precious. I definitely need to get some more hair bands/accessories. I really hope her hair never falls out, I love her little fuzzy head so much.
Diapers:Ā We have officially been cloth diapering for a little overĀ three weeks now! I love it! It’s so much easier than I thought it would be. Since we don’t have a dryer we do have to do wash every night and hang the diapers to dry. It’s really not that big of a deal. Since Blair is exclusively breast feed, poop diapers are a breeze. Breast milk poop dissolves completely in water so you don’t even need to rinse them. I am not looking forward to when she eats solids and poop diapers become a little more of a hassle. The only gripe I have with cloth diapers is they are a little thicker than disposable so she will grow out of her clothes a little faster than normal. However, cloth diapers are about 20 times cuter than their disposable counter parts so no harm no foul.

This is my favorite diaper that she has!


Fluffy bum and post bath hair

Eating:Ā Blair eats every 1.5-3 hours during the day. She does this little lip smacking thing when she is hungry. It’s one of the cutest things I have ever seen. Breastfeeding no longer hurts and I love how easy and convenient it has become! I am so glad I don’t have to get up and make a bottle every time she is hungry. This month I left her for a few hours at home with daddy so I could carry out my calling at church. She took the bottle like a champ so I am glad we are pass that hurdle! I only pump if I know I am going out and she will need a bottle though. No reason to fill up our freezer. Blair is a very efficient eater. Most feeds are about 12 minutes long. She is also a very noisy eater which may get awkward if I ever get brave enough to attempt public breastfeeding.

Sleeping:Ā I am definitely one spoiled mama! Blair has determined 11:00 pm to be bed time (I do wish she went to bed earlier but that’s fine) and will sleep til around 4:30 am to have a diaper change and eat. She then goes straight back to sleep. Lately she has even been waiting until 5:30 am for this feeding. I can’t tell you how amazing 6 hours of sleep feels! She then will wake up for the day between 7:30-8:30. Unfortunately Blair is still sleeping in our bed. She sleeps tightly swaddled and propped up in the boppy pillow. I have tried several times to get her to sleep in her bassinet but she will literally wake up ever ten minutes. One night I tried for 2.5 hours, rocking the bassinet and giving her the pacifier every time she spit it out. Finally exhaustion won and I put her in our bed. I really don’t know what to do about this. Advise will be well received at this point! During the day she usually takes two 1.5 hour naps and two-three 15-40 minute naps. She is still pretty all over the place with this. I have been trying to put her in her crib awake for naps and it works about 35% of the time. Blair is not a morning person. Until she has her breakfast she basically wants nothing to do with my silly faces.
The last week has been completely different than this usual routine. I downloaded the wonder weeks app and she is currently in her second leap and let me tell you I am a believer! She is like a newborn again at night. She wakes up every two hours to eat and has been very fussy during the day. Hopefully it doesn’t last much longer.

Nap time in the crib


and some times (a lot of the time…) on mommy.

She loves when daddy is home and gets to nap with him!

She loves when daddy is home and gets to nap with him!

Social:Ā Blair has been all smiles this month! I love seeing that cute smile and watching her interact with us. She is talking so much. She is very attentive and always makes eye contact. She loves being read to, and she will just stare at the pictures. Last week I put her on her play mat and turned on Baby Einstien, I could not believe how much she loved it. She sat and watched it while kicking her legs and talking to the television. I felt a little guilty putting my baby in front of the TV but I got to eat my breakfast and do the dishes! My favorite thing to do is to sit back with my legs up and let her sit on my stomach resting against my legs and just talk to her. She recently discovered her hands and has started sucking on them. It’s adorable. She is a very bubbly, happy girl as you can see in this video.
That face...

That face…


Likes: nursing, taking baths (she uses her tub now!), when we blow raspberries at her, being read to, Baby Einstein, her play mat, the ergo, sleeping in mommy and daddy’s bed, sitting up like a big girl, her changing table, the swing (finally!) play dates, and some times her pacifier
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Dislikes: Tummy time, being taken out of her bath, mornings before breakfast, and being overly tired.
Fun things we did:
  • We have had a couple play dates with my friend Kylee and her baby girl Lucy. They are a month apart and so cute. These play dates are obviously more for Kylee and Me but I am sure Blair will like them one day.
  • We also went to the Polls for some Cafe Rio and so Blair, Malan, and Lucy could have their picture taken together. So cute!
  • We took Blair to church for the first time. She is so good during Sacrament meeting. We haven’s stayed for the entire service yet. We are working our way up.
  • We did take Blair to the park for the first time but it was covered in ice and she slept the whole time any way.
Ā Mama: I just wrote about this here.
Daddy: Garren is doing really well in school. He is currently doing a clinical on Monday’s and is loving getting to put his new knowledge to practice. Since Blair is more attentive and starting to play he is enjoying his time with her more. She no longer just eats, sleeps and poops so daddy time has become more fun. Garren was recently called to be the Ward Clerk at church so his life has become even more hectic. He is wonderful though and makes sure to dedicate most of Saturday to us.
Random:Ā Recently Blair developed cradle cap. It’s seriously gross. My sister dealt with this with Lucas so she told me to cover her head in mayonnaise. So we did! Gross I know, but it really does help a ton!
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Take two with the mayo, her face makes me laugh so hard

Take two with the mayo, her face makes me laugh so hard

What weā€™re looking forward to: I know she is still really young, but I am so excited for her first Easter! We are having family pictures taken the day before and already have most of her Easter basket things ready to go. Obviously this is more for us than for her, but I bet she will like to look at the pictures one day!

The Difference a Month Makes

I have a monthly update written for Blair but I am waiting until after her doctor’s appointment next week to post it so I can add her weight and height to it. I was looking through all of her pictures and I can’t believe how much she has changed already! My baby is no longer a tiny newborn but a baby who is developing her own little personality. I love watching her grow so much. Even if it makes me a little weepy ;) vs3


I love how her legs are in the same position


Her hair has grown so much! Please don’t fall out!

I some how forgot to take a picture of Blair with her Giraffe at the 1 month mark. Sad!

I some how forgot to take a picture of Blair with her Giraffe at the 1 month mark. Sad!

Having a child has definitely made time fly by. 2 months of pregnancy seemed to drag on vs 2 months of her life. Part of me loves seeing her grow and learn new things, the other part wants to keep my baby small and cuddly.


The Day I Received My Mom Badge

So far my days as a mom have been relatively easy. As easy as being a mother to an infant can be. Well Monday Blair and the universe decided to give me a run for my money.


Monday’s are Garren’s longest days. He has class all morning and does a clinical all afternoon. At lunch I decided to eat the rest of our frozen shrimp we had a week before. I had gotten sick the last time I ate it but was unaware that the shrimp was what made me sick. Garren had also eaten it and was fine. I forget his stomach is a tank. Any way, about 3 hours after eating said shrimp I started feeling really sick, and then throwing up. Blair then decided she needed to eat. Right then. So I am sitting there nursing my baby while throwing up in a bowl. I still had a good 4 hours before Garren was going to get home and I remember thinking my day could not get worse.

BUT WAIT! It can.

After she was done eating I set her on her play mat and went to the bathroom. I came out a few minutes later and Blair had spit up every where. Her hair was caked in spit up. Awesome. So I did what any good mother would do and I gave her a bath. The second she got in the water she POOPED. Really? At this point I knew I had 2 choices. I could cry and throw in the towel or just laugh and start again. So I did. I gave her a bath and put herĀ in the swing. She was tired but fighting sleep so I layed down on the ground in the fetal position giving her the pacifier every 5 minutes.


Luckily Garren did get home and took over so I could wallow in my own misery. Basically having a baby takes sick days up to a whole different level!

But look at this face, it’s definitely worth it!

That face...