Blair Monroe: 10 and 11 months

I know…. it’s super late….


10 Months

10 Months

11 Months

11 Months

Height: I don’t have an update for this

Weight: She did go to the doctor a couple of times so at 10 months she weighed 16 lbs 7 oz and at 11 months she weighed 16 lbs 8 oz. Lets just say month 10 was rough.

Doctors Appointments: Blair was sick basically all of December. First she had a cold, then an ear infection, then a crazy teething experience, it was her 8th tooth but the first one that really bothered her, she had a fever of 102 for a few days, then she had quite a few vomiting spells that we figured out was due to her milk allergy. (At first the doctor said she wasn’t allergic to milk so we tried things like mac and cheese… but no definitely allergic to milk)

Clothing: Still in 6-9 month clothes for months 10 and 11. This little nugget sure gets a lot of use out of her clothing! (Good thing too, she has a ridiculous amount)

Diapers: We are still doing cloth but she is in disposable at night. She sleeps better in them since it doesn’t feel as wet all night. We are still lovers of the cloth :)

Eating: She is still nursing the same through out the day and solid food is still a struggle. We were referred to a specialist that we will see on January 22 to have her evaluated. (Note: Since turning 11 months she has made so much improvement, she is eating all kinds of food! yay progress!)

Sleep: There was a glorious week in December where she was only waking up once at night. Then the sickness insued. She went back to waking up every couple of hours. We eventually let her cry it out a couple of times and she is now waking up twice a night consistently. It got to the point where she just wanted to play so once I realized she was well fed, not in pain, had a dry diaper and was well loved, she just needed to learn to get her self to sleep. She now goes down so easily at night. In a month I plan on weaning her from one of those feedings. Its clear she wont be sleeping through the night by one, but I am determined to have her sleeping through the night by the time we move back to Utah in May.

Social: These two months were huge for her. She started waving, shaking her head no in response to questions, giving kisses to her doll and bear, dancing to any kind of music, and fake laughing when she hears other people laugh. She has been so fun the past few months. She loves to climb all over you and play with her toys, she still loves going shopping and seeing people. She also met a lot of extended family when we went to Texas for Thanksgiving. She did so well! I love how adaptable she is!

Likes: Her new walker toy, her doll Stella, her bear Ruby, dancing, shopping, taking on the phone to nana and papa, nursing, her minky blankets, playing on mommy and daddy’s bed, being thrown in the air, and reading books

Dislikes: being alone or over tired, sitting still for longer than 2 minutes, waiting to nurse

New This Month: Her hair is long enough for lots of different hairstyles now. I love getting her ready each morning! It’s so fun having a girl.

Fun Things We Did:

  • Went to Texas
  • First Thanksgiving
  • First Christmas
  • Went to Portsmouth
  • Went to the movies

Looking Forward To:


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