Blair Monroe: 7 Months Old

20140904_185910_17 months just sounds so old! I no longer have a “little” baby. (She is in fact still little but you know what I mean) She is closer to being one than she is when I had her. Does that sentence even make sense? No doctor appointment this month so no stats!

Nicknames: These haven’t changed. Still mostly call her Blair, munch, baby girl, monkey, sweetheart ect

Clothing: I just switched her clothes over to her 6-9 month wardrobe mainly because I didn’t want to have to go into the storage room in a few weeks and do it then. I figured I might as well get it done while I was unpacking the house any ways! I realized a few of the outfits were 3-6 months which is sad. I get confused on how carters does their sizing! Luckily she still fits in them so I just kept them with the 6-9 months. I wont lie, she could probably get a full other month out of her 3-6 month clothing but fall is coming so I want her to get use out of her warmer weather 6-9 month clothes before transitioning into the warmer stuff!

Diapers: Our love affair continues with the cloth diapers! We wash them Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays and haven’t had any issues with leaking or blowouts. She goes through 5-6 diapers a day.

Eating: She is nursing every 2-4 hours during the day for about 5-10 minutes on one side. I have to go into her room with the blinds drawn, light off and the white noise on in order for her to eat enough and not get distracted. We are still doing baby led weaning but we haven’t been consistent with it because of the move. She still loves chicken, asparagus, carrots, avocado, and now likes zucchini and tolerates bananas.

Sleeping: One day I will look back on this and it will just be a blur. Seriously a blur. Tuesday night she was awake from 10:00 pm-4:00 am crying. Just completely inconsolable. It was so weird and horrible. She has been everywhere this month. One night she slept 10 hours (I repeat ONE night) and some she doesn’t make it more than 2! I am pretty good about not letting it frustrate me because honestly I was never a great sleeper and she generally goes right back to sleep. She seems to be consistently waking only twice a night now, with the occasional bad night. I don’t think the move helped her routine. She was a little off the moment the boxes came out and she is just now starting to settle down.

Social: The last two weeks she has been a lot less social. She screams if I leave the room and will cry and look for me if someone else holds her. It’s so strange since she has never had these issues before! I have read plenty of things that say it’s normal. It’s just part of growing up and learning people can walk away from you. She will still smile and talk to other people as long as she knows I am there and am not trying to leave her.

Likes: the zippy, Sophie the giraffe (actually she LOVES Sophie), when you sing the abc’s, the tv show Super Why, nursing, water: watching it, bathing, playing, swimming you name it she loves it, the ergo, her stroller, being outside, rolling around on the floor and army crawling, her new big girl car seat, being thrown in the air, her jumper, mommy

Dislikes: bottles, getting overly tired, being hungry, being ignored, when mommy walks out of the room, being held by people she doesn’t know

New this Month: This month has been full of change. She now army crawls every where. It is the weirdest army crawl. She doesn’t use her left arm, she just tucks it under her and uses her right arm and legs to get around. There is nothing wrong with her left arm, she uses it equally when playing and eating she just doesn’t know how to use both arms while crawling! She can sit up unassisted and tries desperately to get from her tummy to a sitting position but she hasn’t figured out that quite yet. She also gets up on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth. You can see she is just trying to figure out how to truly crawl. It’s kind of adorable. We moved into a bigger apartment so she has a much bigger area to learn all these new skills. She has officially said her first word “Dada”. I tried to no avail to get her to say mama. Little stinker! She also got her first hair cut! We only trimmed up these random long pieces she had so that it was all a little more uniform and hopefully grows in somewhat similarly.

Fun Things We Did:

  • Swimming with Lucy
  • Walked the beautiful trail in Manchester
  • Went to the art Museum
  • moved into a new apartment


Looking Forward to:

  • we are going to go Blueberry picking
  • a trip into Boston!
  • Nana and Papa coming in NEXT MONTH

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